Shows & Entertainment

Gala Show

Photo : Tomasz Kulbowski EJC 2017

The finalé show of the festival will be on Saturday 10 August 2019 in our massive Big Top.

If you have purchased a full event ticket you will also receive a Gala Show Ticket.

We anticipate that we will have two performances of the Gala show and you will receive a ticket to either one. There will be opportunities to swap tickets if needs be.

Special Stages

Happy audience ejc2019
Photo : Justyna Karpinska EJC 2017

Over the coming months we will be revealing information about the performances that will be on the Special Stage. These will be in the massive Big Top through out the week.

No tickets are required, you may need to queue and we cannot guarantee that you will be able to see the show. The Big Top will seat 1800.

Open Stage


Photo : Karolina Deptuś

There will be at least four Open Stages during the week.These will be held in the Marybelle tent and we cannot guarantee that you will be able to see every show.

Performers on the open stage are fellow attendees at the EJC and are not paid to perform.

If you would like to perform you need to look out for announcements about the audition day.

Fire Gala Show

Photo : Michael Hance

The Fire Gala is on Sunday 4th August at the Riverside Park in Newark. It will form the culmination of the Big Day Out of events planned by us and Newark Council.

With Castle Facade as the back drop we anticipate it will be an awesome show.


Happy audience ejc2019
Photo : Ali Williams EJC 2000

Everyone should go to at least one Renegade in their life. The are either your thing or they aren't!

Find the renegades at midnight each night in the Magpie Tent.

Anything can happen and it is highly likely there will be nudity and drunkeness!

Out Door Street Shows


Photo : Lets Circus

Set up in the Entertainment area, this space is an outdoor stage with a few benches.

This is the perfect spot to try out your street show on a friendly audience. This is a true open stage in every sense of the word.

To use the space go to the workshop boards and sign up for a slot.